Mouse & Keyboard Commands Mouse Actions Action Where… What It Does… Shift-Click List Item Un-selects the chosen item and will display general view information in the Editing Bar. Double-Click Used Item Will scroll your Quark document to the item’s box. Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard Actions (Keys Box Unchecked) Key… While… What It Does… Command Dragging Item Puts the MEXT Pro into Replace mode. Command-Option Dragging Item Puts the MEXT Pro into Text Append mode. Shift Sizing Item Constrains the height and width of the box you are creating to a square. Shift-Double-click Thumbnail View Moves to Cameo View. On Item Extended Keyboard Actions (Keys Box Checked) Key… Where… What It Does… Cursor Down In Any View Scrolls down one selection in the Gather list. Cursor Up In Any View Scrolls up one selection in the Gather list. Home Key In Any View Goes to the first item in the list. End Key In Any View Goes to the last item in the list. Return Key Sets View Enters Files View. Enter Key Sets View Lets you edit the name of the selected set. Command-Return Files View or Returns to Sets View. Folders View Command Cursor Down Sets View Enters Folders View. Command Files View or Returns to Sets View. Cursor Up Folders View